Emma Trelles is the 9th poet laureate of Santa Barbara, California (2021-23), and a 2023 recipient of an Established Artist Fellowship from the California Arts Council. In August 2022, she was named one of 22 Poet Laureate Fellows across the United States by the Academy of American Poets. She’s also received fellowships and honors from CantoMundo, Letras Latinas, and the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs. The daughter of Cuban immigrants, she’s the author of Tropicalia (University of Notre Dame Press), winner of the Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize, and is completing her second book of poems, Courage & the Clock. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly; Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures; Split this Rock: A Social Justice Poetry Database; New England Review; Best American Poetry; Best of the Net; and elsewhere. Emma curates the Mission Poetry Series and is the series editor of the Alta California Chapbook Prize, open to Latina/e/o/x writers residing in the U.S. and published in bilingual editions by Gunpowder Press. For more, visit emmatrelles.com
Social media:
Instagram: @emmatrelles ; Facebook: Emma Trelles
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