Welcome, STEAM enthusiasts

Are you interested in the arts and sciences? We’re here to support you!

Full STEAM ahead!

Resources for STEAM*

STEAM-ers! Our free programs are designed to encourage your interest in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. And our curated collection of video and book libraries will provide a constant (free!) source of inspiration. Please bookmark this page and check back often as we’re constantly adding new resources!

*STEAM is an educational approach that incorporates the arts into the more-familiar STEM model, which includes science, tech, engineering, and math. 


Watch and Learn!

Our extensive video library is full of free videos of interest to you  STEAM enthusiasts. Check this space for our newest video content and visit our digital theater for a comprehensive collection!

Book Collections

Our STEAM library is stocked with books that will help you learn how to sketch and paint, understand how to play Minecraft, and help kids learn how to code, as well as give you new insights on creative trends like the Maker Movement and tech icons like Steve Jobs. Check out our collection and then borrow a book. It’s free! All you need to do is create an account and sign in!

Other Resources

Make: Join this community of Makers and discover various resources such as Make magazine (and all its back issues), podcasts, books, maker projects, tutorials, and more. Not all content is free, but there are a lot of great maker videos on Make’s YouTube channel. Check it out and learn how to make something cool!

Virtual Maker Faire: Access 24 hours of recorded presentations, workshops, demos, and exhibits across all time zones featuring makers responding to COVID-19.

National Children’s Museum: Visit the museum’s virtual STEAMwork programs and resources.

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Video Programs: Browse the museum’s archive of informative programming. You’ll see content designated  for specific groups—families, elementary school students, teens, adults, teachers—but all of the videos are appropriate for all ages!

Franklin@Home: Stay connected to science via the Franklin Institute’s digital collection of DIY hands-on activities, engaging videos, and fun experiments designed to ignite a passion for the sciences in kids of all ages!

Liberty Science Center in the House: Conduct experiments, visit the virtual planetarium, explore the world of LSC’s animals, find amazing movies to watch, and get inspired about science and technology without ever leaving the house!

National Geographic Kids: Subscribe and explore games, videos, worksheets, brain boosters, quizzes, and other cool stuff for kids.

Bedtime Math: Targeted for kids ages 3-9, this app sends parents a fun, new math problem every day, on everything from electric eels and chocolate chips to roller coasters and flamingoes.

At-Home Science Experiments: Looking for some fun, easy, and utterly amazing science experiments you can do at home? Bill Nye, America’s beloved “Science Guy,” has a whole collection of them all queued up and ready for you. Pick your category—life science, physical science, or planetary science—and get ready to be amazed! 

Scratch that Coding Itch! Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface that allows young people to create digital stories, games, and animations. This free site offers a variety of tutorials, guides, coding cards, and projects for kids, families, and educators to start creating with Scratch.

Free STEM Education Courses: Take advantage of Khan Academy’s free online collection of math, science, arts, humanities, and reading courses for students ages pre-K to college. 

Build a Real Mars Rover!  Build a six-wheel rover (just like the one on Mars!) with commonly available components easily bought online. Site provides the parts list and instructions. You provide the garage and the elbow grease!

NASA Kids’ Club: NASA provides a safe place for children, pre-K through grade 4, to play as they learn about NASA and its missions. Loaded with fun activities and games for various skill levels, the site was designed to inspire and encourage an interest in the sciences.

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